
D-Cubed 3D DCM v50 – a closer look at bounded constraints

By JonR

3ddcm bounded dimensions 300x300.jpgMillions of designers and engineers will benefit from the latest versions of D-Cubed components that shipped to CAD, CAM and CAE software vendors. Here we take a deeper dive into the world of bounded constraint solving, that was made possible with new technology in D-Cubed 3D DCM. Version 50.0 enables new part, assembly design and simulation scenarios where geometric constraints permit a range of model configurations.

Some background – prior to version 50, it was possible to specify upper and lower limits for distance and angle dimensions (“bounded dimensions”). This was ideal for defining a permitted range of linear/angular positions for objects in a 3D scene; for example to model the range of motion in certain types of joints.

The new stuff – 3D DCM version 50 enables applications to build inequality relationships and link them to the model. For example, consider the expression c1 <= a <= c2. Variable a can be linked to any dimension value (curve length, radius, etc.). c1 and c2 then determine the permitted range for the dimension value. This flexible system opens up a whole new range of 3D modeling scenarios. For example, to impose a constraint on the design of a part, such as the range of lengths of a routing cable, or the minimum wall thickness in a moulded part.

Dimensions and constraints on the model are solved simultaneously along with any inequality relationships. For example, an application could create an inequality relationship that limits the cross-sectional area of a part between two defined values. Any design modifications – changing a dimension value, or interactively dragging geometry – would be limited to those that do not violate the prescribed limits.

If you’d like to talk about this new capability, just register in the community and comment, or send me a message.

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