
KineoWorks Interact Version 7.0

By JonR

KineoWorks Interact enables you to build a rich Graphical User Interface (GUI) for your new KineoWorks application quickly and easily.

It provides tools for implementing 3D visualization, user-interaction, data import/export, and other application features with the minimum of coding.

KineoWorks Interact version 7.0 includes the following new features:

Enhancements to the Graphics Engine

KineoWorks Interact includes a graphics engine that uses the OpenGL standard to create visually compelling 3D graphics. KineoWorks Interact manages all of the low-level rendering pipeline, so that software developers can build 3D visualization into their applications much more easily.

KineoWorks Interact simplifies the development of path-planning applications

Version 7.0 delivers general performance improvements to the graphics engine. In addition, application developers now have the option to fine-tune display characteristics and graphics performance by customizing OpenGL shader code – programmable stages of the rendering pipeline that are executed on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).

Support for Linux 18.04 LTS

KineoWorks Interact is now available for Linux 18.04 LTS platforms.

STEP file import

KineoWorks Interact now imports geometric data from STEP files, in addition to CATIA® V5, STL and VRML formats.

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