
Parasolid v32.1 Release Highlights

Parasolid v32.1 delivers initial support for lattice structures and continued expansion of Convergent Modeling™ functionality on mixed models. In addition, there are enhancements across a broad front of established functionality:

Native Lattice Support in Parasolid

Lattices are supported in Parasolid v32.1 as a new geometry type to address the need to accurately represent lattice materials in parts intended for additive manufacturing. Initial functionality includes:

  • support for general lattices consisting of cylindrical or conical rods connected by spherical balls for regular and semi-regular structures
  • operations include create, enquire, edit, delete and validate with the Parasolid checker
  • lattices may be converted easily to meshes for downstream operations
  • lattices may be rendered as wire frame or as solid primitives (spheres, cylinders, cones)
Lattice structures can be modeled with Parasolid v32.1

A portion of a circular lattice structure

Convergent Modeling

Convergent Modeling has been extended to operate on models containing a mix of facet B-rep surfaces and all classic B-rep surfaces. Specifically, at v32.1, support has been added for cones, tori, b-surfaces, blend surfaces, swept surfaces, spun surfaces and offset surfaces. Also, more operations now work on mixed models, including:

  • transform faces that meet at a mixed edge
  • apply non-rigid transforms to general facet or mixed bodies
  • blend mixed edges along non-smooth chains and along open chains
  • allow smooth overflow on blends along mixed edges
  • patch faces with facet geometry and delete loops in faces with facet geometry
convergent modeling supports transform of faces on mixed models

Transforming the red boss across facetted and classic faces

Classic Modeling

Parasolid v32.1 includes a significant number of enhancements to classic functionality, including:

  • create step faces on boundary edges when radiating faces
  • offsetting non-smooth (non G1) chains of edges imprinted on complex surfaces of all types and choose how to fill gaps between the resultant offset edges
  • create outline curves from general or wire bodies
  • ability to supply reflection transforms to outline operations
  • produce more rounded lofts when using face, vector or planar clamps and more rounded sweeps when using face clamps
 Parasolid generates wire outlines from a general body

Wire outline (right) created from a general body (left)

Further information

Peter Kerwin
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at