
PLM Components Innovation Conference 2016 – Content Available

By JonR

We just returned from hosting our first conference for customers, partners and industry analysts seeking to exchange ideas, best practices and experiences with Parasolid, D-Cubed, Kineo and the JT Toolkit. Our speakers also shared their vision on a wide range of industry topics like additive manufacturing, cloud, mobile, CAE, interoperability and BIM. Final proceedings and public versions of the conference presentations are now available on our conference board.

Here is just a small sample of the 23 topics covered at the event:


Jim Rusk, CTO, Siemens PLM Software, delivered the keynote presentation, highlighting how transformational technologies like the cloud and advanced robotics are driving innovation across our components.  Jim also spoke of the mutual success we enjoy from sharing component technologies with other software vendors, through fostering a spirit of openness.

plm-components-conference-jim-rusk.jpgJim Rusk: “Realize Innovation with PLM Components”

AEC Innovation in the cloud

A very neat example of AEC innovation in the cloud was presented by Andrew Zukoski, Vice President at Flux Factory, who shared his company’s solution to the problem of data interoperability in AEC, eliminating barriers to productivity for teams of architects and engineers.

plm-components-conference-andrew-zukoski.jpgAndrew Zukoski: “AEC Innovation in the Cloud”

Modeling Insights and Trends

George Allen, Chief Technologist at Siemens PLM Software reviewed convergent modeling – an emerging technology that will dramatically shorten workflows that include combinations of facet and solid b-rep models. George went on to discuss some of the new challenges we face in modeling lattice structures to support increasing demand for such geometry in additive manufacturing.

plm-components-conference-george-allen.jpgGeorge Allen: “Modeling Insights and Trends”

3D Printing Moves into Manufacturing

Jon Stevenson, Sr. Vice President of Global Software at Stratasys, talked about the huge strides being made in industrial 3D printing.  Jon described how advances in additive manufacturing methods, hardware and materials were now enabling larger and more complex parts to be manufactured efficiently with less material and more strength.

plm-components-conference-jon-stevenson.jpgJon Stevenson: “3D Printing Moves into Manufacturing”

To learn more about these talks and all the other great sessions at the conference, check out our conference site to download pdf copies of the presentations.Additional commentary from Oleg Shilovitsky can be found on the BeyondPLM blog.

Thanks to all our speakers and delegates for making this such an informative and memorable event.  I’m looking forward to the next one!

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