
The impact of Manufacturing Driven Design on PCB development

The concept of Manufacturing Driven Design (MDD) represents a shift towards validating manufacturing requirements during the design phase, empowering designers to ensure both electrical and manufacturing needs are met.

I’m your host, Steph Chavez, and for this episode, I have two industry experts: Max Clark, Product Strategy and Technology Director at Siemens, and Gerry Partida, Vice President of Technology at Summit Interconnect. Today, we will delve into the evolution of design and manufacturing processes within the printed circuit engineering industry, emphasizing collaboration, data-driven decision-making, achieving higher quality, and efficiency

In this episode, you will learn the utilization of digital twins for multi-disciplinary integration, and the importance of collecting and analyzing data for validation. You will also hear more about tools like PCBFlow, offering tool-agnostic solutions, and enabling designers to validate their designs against industry standards early on.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • The Evolution of DRC (Design Rule Checking) in the PCB Industry. (05:00)
  • The importance of applying industry-accepted rules to PCB design to improve yields. (07:12)
  • Real-world issues with PCB Design, and the importance of Design for Manufacturability. (09:25)
  • Design for Manufacturability and risk management in chip production. (11:20)
  • Design for Manufacturability and collaboration between designers and manufacturers. (15:46)
  • PCB design and manufacturing issues. (23:20)
  • MDD shifts DFM validation to designers for real-time design process validation. (29:07)
Max Clark

Max Clark

Product Strategy and Technology Director, Siemens

Gerry Partida

Gerry Partida

Vice President of Technology, Summit Interconnect
Stephen V. Chavez

Stephen V. Chavez

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Siemens

Stephen V. Chavez
Sr. Product Marketing Manager

Stephen Chavez is a veteran PCB designer who has used Siemens EDA tools for more than twenty years. As Senior Product Marketing Manager at Siemens, his role expands into thought leadership for supply chain resilience and electronic systems design.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.stage.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/printed-circuit/the-impact-of-manufacturing-driven-design-on-pcb-development/