
Hatching the Companies of Tomorrow with MaRS

The difference between starting a company 20+ years ago and starting one today is the accessibility of resources. When resources become more available, the competition grows. Great innovation needs professional nurturing in order to gain the competitive edge needed to survive in today’s startup environment. 

Startup incubator spaces have answered this call for countless companies. They provide resources and professional expertise related to scaling a small business to companies at various stages of growth.

In today’s episode, we’re talking to Osh Momoh and Jesika Briones from the leadership team at MaRS. This Toronto-based innovation hub provides support and services to over 1,200 startup companies. They provide Canadian science and tech companies with tailored resources through every stage of growth, from startup to scale-up. MaRS focuses on health, cleantech, fintech, enterprise software, advanced manufacturing, and mobility/transportation. They also offer a dedicated program for startups in the realm of autonomous and connected vehicles, so we’ll dive into how that works as well.  MaRS has been helping startups get off the ground for 15 years, and they’re only seeing interest grow.

This episode is packed with insightful sharing about autonomous vehicles and the future of our cars. During the conversation, Jesika brought up essential factors and questions that need to be considered when moving to level five of autonomous.

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Listen to this episode of Startups: Digitalization to Realization to learn more about the resources that MaRS has to offer startups community, insightful sharing about future of autonomous vehicles, and the role the partnership of Siemens and MaRS plays in supporting startups

Also, you can access this podcast via: iTunesSpotifyTuneInRSS, and Stitcher.

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Guest: Osh Momoh - Chief Technical Advisor at MaRS

Guest: Osh Momoh – Chief Technical Advisor at MaRS

At MaRS, Osh is responsible for advising ventures in emerging technology areas such as artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, cybersecurity blockchain, and advanced networking. He is an experienced entrepreneur with deep technical and business expertise in the software industry. He greatly enjoys designing and building technology-based products. Before joining MaRS, Osh worked at a series of tech startups in founder and CTO roles. Prior to entering the startup space, he spent 10 years at Microsoft in a variety product groups, including leadership positions in web search and developer platforms. Osh also served as technology advisor to technology executive staff.

Connect with Osh Momoh: LinkedIn

Guest: Jesika Briones - Senior Manager of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Guest: Jesika Briones – Senior Manager of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

At MaRS, Jesika manages and oversees deliverables for Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Networks, Toronto regional technology development site, located at MaRS. They have a focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning as they apply to connected and autonomous vehicles. Jesika connects MaRS teams, MaRS supporting companies, and partners to various locations and stakeholders across Ontario. Prior to joining MaRS, Jesika worked at the Ontario Centers of Excellence as Portfolio Manager for automotive and non-mobility. She also worked for a Japanese automotive OEM in Monterrey, Mexico. Jesika holds a Bachelor’s degree in Manufacturing Engineering with specialization in Total Quality Management, as well as a Master’s degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. In 2014, Jesika was selected for the prestigious Action Canada Fellowship Program, while also being recognized as one of the top 10 most successful Mexicans in Canada by Latinas Magazine

Connect with Jesika Briones: LinkedIn

Host: Paul Musto - Portfolio Development Executive at Siemens Digital Industries Software

Host: Paul Musto – Portfolio Development Executive at Siemens Digital Industries Software

Paul Musto is a Portfolio Development Executive for Siemens Digital Industries Software focused on delivering design and simulation software solutions to small and medium sized businesses (SMB), including companies in the early startup stage. Prior to this his current role at Siemens, Paul was Director of Marketing for the Electronic Board Systems segment at Mentor Graphics (now part of Siemens), responsible for driving product strategy, go-to-market solutions, and market development. Paul has over 30 years of electronics and software design experience. Prior to joining Mentor, Paul led a software development organization at Cadence Design Systems, responsible for Cadence’s electronic engineering implementation tools. Throughout his career, Paul has extensive experience serving in various technical, product marketing, and business development roles. Paul holds a B.S.E.E. from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA.

Connect with Paul Musto: LinkedIn

Pioneers: Startups from Dreams to Reality Podcast

Pioneers: Startups from Dreams to Reality

Ideas alone can’t change the world. It takes grit, and serious funding. In Pioneers, host Kevin Blevins sits down with startup founders to discuss the startup lifestyle- from concept to execution- and the big ideas that fuel these pioneers. From the future of farming to autonomous flight, there’s no frontier too far.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.stage.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/startups/start-a-company-of-tomorrow/