
Intelligent performance engineering – closed-loop validation process ep. 4

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Intelligent Performance Engineering has the potential to revolutionize how manufacturing facilities operate. But as with any big change that takes place within the industry, it takes time for the value of new technology to resonate. Digitalization changes everything, but how do we best communicate these benefits to customers? 

Rahul Garg
Rahul Garg, Vice President for Industrial Machinery & SMB Program

Throughout the series, we’ve taken this deep dive into Intelligent Performance Engineering to help answer questions and curiosities about this groundbreaking technology. We’ve talked about integrated part design, simulation, the digital twin, and how these are reshaping the traditional process models. 

Giulio Camauli, Simcenter Industry Solutions manager at Siemens Digital Industries Software

Joining us again today are Rahul Garg, Industry Leader for Siemens Industrial Machinery, and Giulio Camauli, Industry Solutions Manager at Siemens Digital Industries Software. As  representatives of the industrial machinery industry, they’ve really helped us understand the  Intelligent Performance Engineering Solution, and they’ve outlined the benefits manufacturers stand to gain through its implementation.

In today’s episode, we’ll close out this series by summarizing what makes Intelligence Performance Engineering so valuable to customers. We’ll also talk about how the digital twin eases the process of gathering information, share some insights around closed-loop validation, and discuss the unique ability of the digital twin to quickly respond to customer needs. 

Listen to podcast01podcast02podcast03 and podcast04 from this series.
Or, check us out on Acast.

What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Why closed-loop validation is important for machine builders and suppliers (1:57)
  • The complexities of data sharing from the customer perspective (3:49)
  • The benefits of using a digital twin (5:27)
  • Why the connection between the simulation model and the machine conditions in real-time is so important (10:07)
  • The biggest advantages for the machine industry embracing digitalization (15:02)
  • Why Intelligent Performance Engineeringis critical for manufacturers(16:07)

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Connect with Giulio Camauli:

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About our experts:
Giulio Camauli – Simcenter Industry Solutions Manager at Siemens Digital Industries Software. Giulio has been with Siemens almost 30 years, covering many roles from application engineer for test solutions, to customer services manager responsible for strategic initiatives dealing with several key-customers in the Italian market. In his current role he contributes to the Industry campaigns and strongly collaborates with the different Simcenter sub-segments, marketing and regions to define broad and balanced Simcenter messaging and promotion.

Rahul Garg is the Vice President for Industrial Machinery & SMB Program, responsible for defining and delivering key strategic initiatives and solutions and global business development. He and his team are responsible for identifying key initiatives and developing solutions for the industry while working closely with industry leading customers and providing thought leadership on new and emerging issues faced by the machinery industry. Rahul’s experience and insight are derived from 25 year career delivering software-based solutions for product engineering and manufacturing innovation for the global manufacturing industry, spanning a career in R&D to program management, sales and P&L management and having focused exclusively on the industrial machinery and heavy equipment industry since 2007.

Digital Transformation Podcast Podcast

Digital Transformation Podcast

The Digital Transformation: Solutions for Industrial Machinery Podcast by Siemens Digital Industries explores the advantages of smart manufacturing, a digitalized product development strategy and the solutions it offers for the Industrial Machinery industry.

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Bill Butcher

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.stage.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/digital-transformation/intelligent-performance-engineering-part-4-closed-loop-validation-process/