
High-Speed Transport: The Hyperloop Way

Most innovations in the recent past, within the transport industry, have been focused on carbon emission reduction and improving the users’ experience. These innovations have addressed critical needs and moved the needle further ahead in terms of safety and environmental impact. Now, the industry is about to undergo another disruptive innovation with the introduction of the Hyperloop.

Today, I’m talking to Rob Miller, the Chief Marketing Officer at Hyperloop Transportation Technologies. He’ll help us understand the technology behind this disruptive innovation as well as how far along they are in development. He’ll also share some of the entrepreneurial lessons he has learned along the way.

In this episode, you’ll learn about the origin of the Hyperloop concept and the people who played an important role in getting it started. You’ll also learn about the underlying technology and the benefits that come with it. Additionally, you’ll hear about the progress that the company has made so far and the cities that they are partnering with.

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Listen to this episode of Startups to learn how HyperloopTT is using Siemens Software to create a financially and environmentally friendly way to travel.

Also, you can access this podcast via iTunesSpotifyTuneInRSS, and Stitcher.

Keep up to date with HyperloopTT’s journey https://www.hyperlooptt.com/

Guest: Rob Miller - Chief Marketing Officer at Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

Guest: Rob Miller – Chief Marketing Officer at Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

Host: Paul Musto- Portfolio Development Executive at Siemens Digital Industries Software

Host: Paul Musto- Portfolio Development Executive at Siemens Digital Industries Software

Paul Musto is a Portfolio Development Executive for Siemens Digital Industries Software focused on delivering design and simulation software solutions to small and medium sized businesses (SMB), including companies in the early startup stage. Prior to his current role at Siemens, Paul was Director of Marketing for the Electronic Board Systems segment at Mentor Graphics (now part of Siemens), responsible for driving product strategy, go-to-market solutions, and market development. Paul has over 30 years of electronics and software design experience. Prior to joining Mentor, Paul led a software development organization at Cadence Design Systems, responsible for Cadence’s electronic engineering implementation tools. Throughout his career, Paul has extensive experience serving in various technical, product marketing, and business development roles. Paul holds a B.S.E.E. from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA

Pioneers: Startups from Dreams to Reality Podcast

Pioneers: Startups from Dreams to Reality

Ideas alone can’t change the world. It takes grit, and serious funding. In Pioneers, host Kevin Blevins sits down with startup founders to discuss the startup lifestyle- from concept to execution- and the big ideas that fuel these pioneers. From the future of farming to autonomous flight, there’s no frontier too far.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.stage.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/startups/high-speed-transport-the-hyperloop-way/