
2022 Wilson Research Study – The Growing Complexity in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) ep. 1

Increased complexity is one of the biggest problems that manufacturers are currently dealing with. One of the biggest causes of this is increased electrification and the need for customized products. Adding features to cater to those needs requires redesigning critical components such as the FPGA.

I’m your host, Joe Hupcey III, a Verification Product Technologist, and today I’m joined by Harry Foster, Chief Scientist Verification at Siemens EDA. He is also the Co-Founder and Executive Editor of the Verification Academy. We’ll be discussing the findings of the 2022 Wilson Research Group Functional Verification study.

In this podcast episode, you’ll learn about current trends in FPGA design and what is necessitating changes. You’ll also learn about the impact of increased FPGA complexity on verification and production cost. Additionally, you’ll hear about how FPGA projects are being impacted.

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • Some of the steps Harry took to minimize bias in his market research (03:53)
  • The overall drivers behind drivers  growing FPGA complexity (05:50)
  • How adding processors impacts the verification effort (06:28)
  • Why multiple clocking domains on FPGA present a problem (08:23)


Harry Foster

Harry Foster

Chief Scientist Verification – IC Verification Solutions, Siemens Digital Industry Software


Joe Hupcey III

Joe Hupcey III

Verification Product Technologist, IC Verification Solutions, Siemens Digital Industry Software

Related links:
2022 Wilson Research Study – ep 2

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.stage.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/where-today-meets-tomorrow/eda-dvt-the-growing-complexity-in-field-programmable-gate-arrays-fpga-ep-1/