Top 4 trends guiding the Marine Industry into the future

Top 4 trends guiding the Marine Industry into the future

Sustainability, interconnectivity, lifecycle costs and higher level of technology are major trends remaining consistent in the Marine Industry. On this…

Shaking up Sketch

We are getting underway with season 2 of the Next Generation Podcast. This month, we are talking about Sketching in…

INEOS TEAM UK Talks America’s Cup Boat Design

We’re back at it for season 2 of The Next Generation Design podcast. In this episode we speak with Dr….

Discussing the Significant Benefits of Model Based Definition

PMI today is largely visual objects used for human consumption. So, we see that as an area there’s tremendous potential…

Changes happening in design to keep teams innovating

This year has been a challenge. Collaboration and communication now more than ever has needed to coincide seamlessly with functionality…

Globalizing Medical Device Operations to Suit Consumer Culture

Medical Device Industry Trends The Healthcare industry is in the midst of transformative change that is challenging Medical Device manufacturers….

Bringing the Value Required for Machinery of the Future

Mapping out plans for transformation of processes and ways of doing business is a difficult thing to do; however, companies…

Understanding and Communicating Your Design through Visualization

What is digital visualization all about and how is it helping design engineers? To answer this question we first have…

The Industrialization of Additive Manufacturing During COVID-19

What has COVID-19 meant for additive manufacturing? Has this crisis helped push it into the industrialization stage? Additive manufacturing has…