
Podcast series: Advanced machine engineering (Part 3) – virtual machine simulation and commissioning


In our last two podcasts, we talked about the evolution of technology within the machinery industry, key trends that continue to shape the industry today, and we introduced the Advanced Machine Engineering solution at a high level by taking a deep dive into one of the three key differentiators – multi-disciplinary design.

Today, our expert in the series, Bill, focuses the discussion around virtual machine simulation and commissioning and how machine manufacturers are implementing this approach to improve the quality and reduce delivery time for highly complex machines.

Bill Davis is the Director of Industrial Machinery & Heavy Equipment Solutions at Siemens Digital Industries Software, working to help industrial machinery customers and heavy equipment customers improve innovation and profitability through the application of the Siemens portfolio. His background is in automation, converting, and packaging machinery. His 30 years of experience in engineering and management positions have shaped how he helps their customers and their go-to-market strategy.

So, listen to Episode 3 of the Siemens Podcast on Advanced Machine Engineering, where we talk about the importance of adopting and integrating virtual machine simulation and commissioning into the manufacturing process.

Questions I ask:

  • What is virtual machine simulation and commissioning? (01:51)
  • What are the simulation approaches that are being leveraged to address the challenges? (08:01)
  • What are some of the benefits for the manufacturers that incorporate this virtual machine simulation and commissioning approach and integrate it into their manufacturing process? (16:16)

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The challenges that machine builders are currently facing. (03:21)
  • The advantages of simulating the machine’s performance in a virtual world. (13:53)

Connect with Bill:

Industrial machinery in manufacturing is experiencing unprecedented advancements in innovative technologies. It is a challenging endeavor to design, validate and manage modern manufacturing and assembly operations to achieve high-quality while optimizing costs.

In our third podcast of this series on Advanced Machine Engineering, we will learn the advantages that advanced machine engineering provides to the industrial machinery manufacturers. Our focus is virtual machine simulation and commissioning and how machine manufacturers are implementing this approach to improving quality while reducing delivery time for highly sophisticated machines.

Bill Davis
Bill Davis, Director of Industrial Machinery and Heavy Equipment Solutions at Siemens Digital Industries Software

We are joined again by our special guest and engineering expert, Bill Davis, Director of Industrial Machinery and Heavy Equipment Solutions at Siemens Digital Industry Software. His 30 years of experience in engineering and operations management includes more than 20 years in industrial machinery.

In this third podcast, we are discussing the overwhelming evolution of technology within the machine industry. We cover some of the crucial trends that are shaping the industry, including multi-disciplinary design, virtual machine simulation and commissioning, multi-disciplinary Bill of Material (BOM) management and configuration management.

Our previous podcast took a deep dive into the multi-disciplinary design; however, for this session, we are shifting over to virtual machine simulation and commissioning and defining it in terms of how a machine proves itself to the customer physically, on the factory floor, and predetermining that virtually.

Also, we discuss robotic integration with multi-axis capabilities, using code with a transactional relationship for extracting its behavior, where there’s continuous data flowing back and forth between the PLC code and the robot.  This setup creates an exceptionally complex environment when driving machines to be more efficient, operating near the edges of their capability and performance.

To learn more, listen to the conversation with Bill Butcher and Bill Davis, in this third podcast in the Advanced Machine Engineering series – where today meets tomorrow.

Also, you can access this podcast via AppleStitcherSpotifyCastboxTuneIn or Google.

Listen to podcast01 and podcast02 and podcast04 from this series.

About our expert:
Bill Davis is the acting Industrial Machinery and Heavy Equipment Industry leader for Siemens Digital Industries Software. His experience and insights have been acquired from a career spanning 30 years in engineering and operations management with machinery and heavy equipment companies.  Bill holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from Marquette University, with a concentration in Operations Management and Strategic Marketing, as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Milwaukee School of Engineering.

This is the third in a series of four podcasts on advanced machine engineering.

Digital Transformation Podcast

Digital Transformation Podcast

The Digital Transformation: Solutions for Industrial Machinery Podcast by Siemens Digital Industries explores the advantages of smart manufacturing, a digitalized product development strategy and the solutions it offers for the Industrial Machinery industry.

Digital Transformation Podcast Podcast

Digital Transformation Podcast

The Digital Transformation: Solutions for Industrial Machinery Podcast by Siemens Digital Industries explores the advantages of smart manufacturing, a digitalized product development strategy and the solutions it offers for the Industrial Machinery industry.

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Author Info:
Bill Butcher
ID: 15782

Bill Butcher

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.stage.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/digital-transformation/podcast-series-advanced-machine-engineering-part-3-virtual-machine-simulation-and-commissioning/