
Digital Part Production – highly-automated CAM ep. 2

In today’s competitive market, increasing pressure is being placed on manufacturers. Tied into that pressure is the need to expedite production and bring products to the market faster than ever before. Meeting those needs while keeping part quality at a premium hasn’t been the easiest package to deliver. That is, until highly automated CAM changed everything. 

Rahul Garg
Rahul Garg, Vice President for Industrial Machinery & SMB Program

Understanding the importance of efficiency in high-level manufacturing, the designers behind CAM sought to create a solution that digitized the design and manufacturing process, while connecting the various types of software from every aspect of the part-making process. It also allows companies to capture and reuse data, minimize waste, and increase overall efficiency. With CAM, manufacturers can now pivot quickly when digital threats arise.

Today, in this second episode of the Digital Part Production (DPP) podcast series, we’re taking an in-depth look at highly automated CAM, or Computer-Aided Manufacturing. Here to help us understand how this technology works are Sashko Kurciski, leader of the marketing efforts for Siemens part manufacturing software portfolio, and Rahul Garg, Industry Leader for Siemens Industrial Machinery.

Sashko Kurciski
Sashko Kurciski is a senior marketing manager at Siemens Digital Industries Software

In this episode, you’ll hear about how CAM links manufacturing, engineering, and production, resulting in better efficiency and simplified communication across the board. Sashko and Rahul will also share a couple of real-world examples of early adopters to CAM, and you’ll hear how manufacturers are differentiating themselves by taking advantage of this technology. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • A breakdown of CAM software and how it helps manufacturers (2:38)
  • One example of a highly automated CAM solution (4:51)
  • The shared goal of modern manufacturers (6:58)
  • Why software connectivity is so essential (10:05)
  • How the digital twin saves time (13:51)
  • The role of additive manufacturing in part production (16:59)
  • How digitalization helped a Netherlands-based manufacturer perform better (18:25)
  • The link between automation and efficiency (20:49)

Connect with Rahul Garg:

Connect with Sashko Kurciski:

Connect with Bill Butcher:

Related Links:
Listen to DPP Podcast01 – 
an introduction to Digital Part Production
Listen to DPP Podcast02 – 
highly automated CAM
Listen to DPP Podcast03 – 
synchronized part production
Listen to DPP Podcast04benefits of additive manufacturing

Read our Thought Leadership blog on this topic

Rahul Garg is the Vice President for Industrial Machinery & SMB Program, responsible for defining and delivering key strategic initiatives and solutions and global business development. He and his team are responsible for identifying key initiatives and developing solutions for the industry while working closely with industry leading customers and providing thought leadership on new and emerging issues faced by the machinery industry. Rahul’s experience and insight are derived from 25 year career delivering software-based solutions for product engineering and manufacturing innovation for the global manufacturing industry, spanning a career in R&D to program management, sales and P&L management and having focused exclusively on the industrial machinery and heavy equipment industry since 2007.

Sashko Kurciski is a senior marketing manager at Siemens Digital Industries Software. Sashko leads the marketing of the part manufacturing software solutions to help companies transform their production processes through digitalization. He has been in the CAD/CAM/PLM software industry for over 20 years.

Digital Transformation Podcast Podcast

Digital Transformation Podcast

The Digital Transformation: Solutions for Industrial Machinery Podcast by Siemens Digital Industries explores the advantages of smart manufacturing, a digitalized product development strategy and the solutions it offers for the Industrial Machinery industry.

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Bill Butcher

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.stage.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/digital-transformation/podcast-series-digital-part-production-part-2-highly-automated-cam-helping-manufacturers-perform-better/