Cyber security startup Cybellum defends against automotive cyber security attacks

Playing cyber defense with the cyber digital twin The rise of technology has completely changed the way we think about…

How Product Definition is Helping Manufacturers Adapt and Stay Competitive with Nand Kochhar – MBSE series ep. 2

When we look at where manufacturing is today, it’s clear that technology is maturing rapidly. Degrees of complexity continue to…

Meeting the Challenges of Design Complexity in the Automotive Industry with Nand Kochhar – MBSE series ep. 1

The layers of complexity in the automotive industry continue to increase as consumers demand more sustainable and fuel-efficient vehicles. Along…

Part2 – How Virtual Reality is Making Mobility Accessible for Everyone

Comparing AI design for factories & autonomous vehicles As we continue to steer towards a more mobility-inclusive future, there’s a…

How Virtual Reality is Making Mobility Accessible for Everyone

VR design for the Mobility Challenged The promise of technology is to make life easier for everyone. In order to…

Transportation revolution: Autonomous vehicle development, part 2

In the final episode of the Future Car series on the transportation revolution, Nand and I take a closer look…

Building a More Accessible Transportation Future

Meeting the Needs of the Moblity Challenged Mobility is something we rely on every day. Whether it’s the capability of…

innovation in the classroom podcast

Everything New Under the Sun

Researchers, scientists, engineers, and other professionals work daily to innovate vehicles moved by green, renewable energy. The Agoria Solar Team…

Engineering F1 Racing & Mobility: Hear the role one race car engineer plays

Meet an Engineer behind the F1 Motorsports Industry. On our last episode, we talked about the high level of innovation…