
AI for Real Value Add

Artificial Intelligence (AI) means a lot of things to a lot of people and is increasingly being incorporated into “smart products” shaping the ways in which we all interact and move through the world. For the purpose of our conversation in this episode of the Next Generation Design podcast, we refer to AI simply as machines acting in ways that incorporate “human” intelligence.  Machine learning (ML) can be considered a subset of AI, pertaining to software or applications acting intelligently such as algorithms or logic that can learn from large amounts of data without relying on rule based programming or explicit programming of characteristics into software.

In this episode of the Next Generation Design podcast, host Jennifer Piper and guests Shirish More and Paul Brown sit down for a conversation around AI and ML and discuss how companies are leveraging these emerging technologies to uncover key data driven insights that could potentially drive their competitors our of business in this digital age.

The ability to collect large amounts of data throughout the product development process that can be quickly and efficiently parsed through to uncover critical points for a competitive edge and then be fed back into the product development process is unparalleled. This creates a continuous improvement on processes and quality of product that can provide interested companies with a game changing path to innovation.

How is NX CAD leveraging AI and ML to better improve workflows for customers? Currently there are a multitude of newly released features and functionalities leveraging these technologies in order provide real value to users. To name a few Command Prediction, AI Driven Next Sketch, and NX Voice Command Assistant are all new and have already begun to significantly improve workflows for NX users.

Want the learn more, keep listening here to the Next Generation Design Podcast.

Today’s Guest:

Shirish More

Shirish More

Shirish More, Product Manager at Siemens Digital Industries Software is responsible for the NX Architecture. With over 20 years of experience in mechanical product development and customization of CAx software, development, testing and deployment, Shirish has actively supported various industries on improving engineering, design and manufacturing processes resulting in faster and efficient product development process.

Next Generation Design Podcast Podcast

Next Generation Design Podcast

As product engineering tools continue to morph and expand at speeds human expertise may not be able to endure, Revolutionary design technologies that span beyond industry borders, will prove their necessity for companies looking to take over their markets in the future. What will the future of design technologies and machinery look like? What will your digitalization story be? Where engineering meets tomorrow.

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Julianne Bass

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.stage.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/next-generation-design/ai-for-real-value-add/