
Generative Design for Electrical Systems Part One – Maturing Your Digital Transformation

Welcome to Talking Aerospace Today – a podcast for the aerospace and defense industry. A place that brings the promise of tomorrow’s technology to the ears of our listeners today.

Previous episodes of this podcast have delved incredibly deep into the many ways digital transformation maturity can make aerospace engineers’ jobs easier, from automating mundane tasks to utilizing artificial intelligence to enhance work processes. Now it is time to explore the next big step in digital transformation: generative design.

In this episode, Todd Tuthill, Vice President of A&D Industry for Siemens Digital Industries Software, is joined by Anthony Nicoli, Senior Director for Aerospace at Siemens, to introduce the concept of generative design in aerospace, beginning with how it could impact the electrical domain of aerospace.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Where generative design fits into the wider digital transformation journey
  • How generative design is defined in this context
  • How customers can apply generative design in the electrical domain today
  • Examples of how generative design can accelerate work processes
Todd Tuthill – Speaker

Todd Tuthill – Speaker

Todd Tuthill is the Vice President of Aerospace & Defense for Siemens Digital Industries Software.

Anthony Nicoli - Speaker

Anthony Nicoli – Speaker

Anthony Nicoli is a Senior Director for Aerospace at Siemens.

Patty Russo - Host

Patty Russo – Host

Patty Russo is Global Marketing Manager for Siemens Digital Industries Software.

Talking Aerospace Today Podcast Podcast

Talking Aerospace Today Podcast

The A&D Industry is at a serious inflection point. Transformation to the digital enterprise has opened up a new era in innovation and technological breakthroughs. However, complexity and compliance continue to hamper the best of efforts.

Join us as we explore how Siemens is turning complexity into a competitive advantage for many of our customers – today and well into tomorrow.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.stage.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/talking-aerospace-today/maturing-your-digital-transformation-ep-10-generative-design-for-electrical-systems-part-one/