
Get ready for Polarion @ PLM Europe Berlin

Join us at Siemens PLM Connection Europe 2019

7th–9th of October, Berlin Germany.

This year’s agenda for PLM Europe features over 10+ dedicated sessions for Polarion uniquely focused to provide detailed customer use cases from your peers, gain valuable product insight to Polarion’s features, extensions, and capabilities, and get the chance to meet the team!

Reserve your seat today at the largest European User Group conference of Siemens PLM Software users in a single forum. 

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Polarion’s Sessions – Tuesday 8th 

08:30 – 9:30 – Polarion Today
Introduction into the Polarion perspective of the application lifecycle management. Overview of current challenges in a fast-paced development of cyber-physical systems and how the Polarion can help you face them in a winning style. Closing the session with a brief summary of the latest innovations available in the Polarion.

Zdenek Fiedler – Polarion product manager with a successful track record in delivering software solution supporting innovations across multiple industry verticals.

9:30 – 10:30 – Polarion for Automotive Embedded Software application development
Future of mobility demands a simplified interface to fast, exponentially complex and innovative in-vehicle features. These features provide the WOW factor needed to differentiate vehicle-content in a cut-throat competitive global automotive landscape. In-vehicle embedded software development is increasingly coming to the center stage to deliver this differentiating in-vehicle experience. Polarion provides a single unified platform that coordinates all the activities across needed tool-set to finally deliver a fully verified and validated build under hardware and system configuration constraints. OEMs and Suppliers can consolidate data-flows across the tool-chain and synergize to optimize process, methods and tool integrations.

Piyush Karkare – Director, Global Automotive industry solutions,
Kevin Hansen – Portfolio Development AP
Eddie Chen – Polarion AP

11:00 -12:00 – Aston Martin – How Polarion supports an iconic automotive brand
Aston Martin second century plan foresees the launch of seven cars in seven years, which with the current and future complexity (both electrical and mechanical) of the vehicles, would be almost unmanageable via common tools such as Word, Excel, etc. How can Siemens Polarion help an iconic brand like Aston Martin on achieving its ambitious target, while maintaining, and actually improving, the quality of its vehicles? This presentation will show you how Aston Martin will benefit by using Polarion in each phase of the V-Cycle, cascading targets, ensuring collaboration and sign off, executing tests, taking corrective actions, and simplifying the implementation of future projects.

Francesco Mugnaini – Francesco is an R&D Project Engineer at Aston Martin Lagonda.
Francesco has been with Aston Martin Lagonda for 2 years, coordinating the Electrical Test Team, whose responsibility is to validate each vehicle feature prior to the various development build phases.

12:00 -12:30 – 
Accelerate Functional Safety compliance for ISO 26262  
Automotive industry projects require a high level of compliance to various standards, including ISO26262. In this presentation, we look at the improved version of ISO26262 template for Polarion ALM, developed by GARANTIS IT Solutions. The template covers Formal Methods for Requirements and Change management, traceability to source code, Functional Safety, QA and Testing. Will be useful for any potential user of Polarion, and especially for the automotive industry.

Konstantin Klioutchinski – GARANTIS IT Solutions, Polarion ALM consultant

12:30-13:00 – Kuka Robotics – Polarion as a platform for worldwide product development processes
Kuka Robotics as a supplier of tailor-made automation solutions for the industry offers robot systems, production machines, and production systems in a wide range of versions. This implicates complex processes in our product development. As an international company, we develop our products in teams across the world. This presentation is about our way to roll out and manages world-wide unified development processes using Polarion as a platform. You will learn about our strategy ensuring collaboration, transparency, traceability, reuse and how we make sure that all necessary regulations and compliances were adequately taken into account.

Cornelia Beck – Graduated in mathematics. Experiences in Quality Management, product safety and as a project manager in R&D. Since 2018 team lead for processes & methods in R&D at Kuka.
Nadja Doesel – R&D Director Planning & Project Management at KUKA Robotics.

14:00-15:00 – Automated SAP Deployment within Polarion
Corporate IT has to do a lot: ensure stable operations, implement innovations, ensure compliance regulations, support business requirements – and all this in an IT landscape that is often becoming increasingly complex. For the first time, Siemens and Realtech AG are making it possible for SAP and non-SAP projects to be carried out holistically, including transport (also certified for HANA) and deployment. Siemens’ Polarion ALM and Realtech’s SmartChange Transport Manager support you in this. They manage their applications in a structured and efficient manner over the entire lifecycle. The solution supports you from requirements to specification, design, implementation, testing, and operation.

Franz Hiltscher (REALTECH AG)- Keuntje (REALTECH AG)

15:00-15:30 – Win more bids in less time with DRIM-Artificial Intelligence
Analyzing customer specifications and understanding customer requirements can be time-consuming and require a lot of manual effort. Experts have to read hundreds of specifications minutes of meetings and emails to identify hidden project risks. Although a short bidding and early execution phase are crucial for each project, it often results in budget overruns. Past projects have shown that up to 40% are attributed to this. How can we identify hidden risks, hidden costs and lead time extensions quicker and more precisely? And how can we handle the huge amounts of requirements during project execution? With its Artificial Intelligence based algorithms and the combination with the Lifecycle Management System POLARION, DRIM reduces budget overruns by intelligent risk detection, it reduces efforts by automatic specification analysis and requirements extraction, and it establishes end-to-end requirement traceability between datasheets extracted requirements and their origin in customer specifications.

Dr. Bernt Andrassy, designated CEO of DRIM NewCo
Dr. Bernt Andrassy started his career in 2000 developing voice recognizers for cars and mobile phones in Siemens. 

15:30-16:00 – Boost your team’s productivity & quality by enhancing your Jira experience with Polarion
Learn how to better connect teams and projects to improve application development processes, see short demos on Polarion’s capabilities and features that enrich Jira, and learn how to create and configure your instance to get the best out of both and tailor it to the needs of your agile teams and projects.

Daniel Morris – Pre-sales Polarion

16:30 – 17:00 – Integrating Siemens Polarion with Mainstream PLM systems

The evolution of modern smart products is driving the demand for complex software and product integration. Electronics and Software are driving this revolution with the exponential adoption of electronics, sensors, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The need to manage this level of smart products requires an integrated software engineering solution across hardware, electronic and software domains. This presentation will introduce the ALM/PLM integrated solution across Siemens Polarion and Mainstream PLM systems, review the key use cases (Requirement Management and Change Management)supported within this integration, and describe the specific features of what the integration delivers.

Guillaume PiliereI ( EB Solutions) 

Thomas Richter – Global Portfolio Development Polarion

17:00 – 17:30 Managing mechatronic project in Consumer Electronics: Polarion implementation at Vorwerk 
Modern consumer electronics products consist of Mechanical and Software parts. Both areas go through Requirements and Change management, but later have different implementation cycle. We show how Polarion ALM is used to manage the full software development cycle and how mechanical requirements are managed in parallel in Polarion projects. Future integration with Teamcenter for mechanical parts design shall complete the full Digital Product Development Lifecycle.

Cem Mandirali – Vorwerk, Coordinator Product Manager, ALM + PLM

17:30 – 18:00 –  Polarion Tomorrow
Broader outlook onto new disruptors pushing boundaries of the cyber-physical systems development and how these are planned to be addressed by the Polarion.

Zdenek Fiedler – Polarion product manager with a successful track record in delivering software solution supporting innovations across multiple industry verticals.

18:00 – 18:30 – Meet the EXPERTS – Full SIEMENS Polarion Team
Thomas Richter – Global Portfolio Development Polarion

Join us @ Polarion sessions

Reserve your seat today at the largest European User Group conference of Siemens PLM Software users in a single forum. 

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Wesley Aarsen

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at