
15. December: Make Santa happy with perfect Resource Traceability comments

Last year, Santa asked me :

“And ? Have you been a good programmer-boy, and did you create all the comments in your sourceccode for the Linked Resources in Polarion ?”

-“Yes, dear Santa ! “

-“And have you checked that you typed all the roles and IDs correctly ? And that you also added other information that I love in the comments, like customfields,  usernames or timestamps ?”

– “Errrrrrrr … ????“

– “Ok, no presents then for you this time !”

Damn, that should never happen to me again – so I created the “Linked Resource Comment Creator” form extension which allows me to easily copy RT comments, with all the information being correct. The ZIP archive contains the file needed and a PDF about how to install and use it.

Santa will be very happy THIS  year…

A special Thanks to Heinz Dresbach!

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at