
17. December: Opening Historic Versions of Projects – The Easy Way

As every year, Santa is already very busy during the first days of December in preparation for Christmas.
Because of that, he forgot to nominate the elf of the month at the end of November.
Since he is tracking the performance of the elves in Polarion, he also has a nice leaderboard on a LiveReport page showing the current ranking.
The only thing he now needs to do is to open this page for the Polarion revision exactly at midnight between 30th November and 1st December.
Luckily, one of his elves wrote a little script where Santa can either provide a date/time or a Polarion revision and the script will provide a link to open the LiveReport page for the respective revision.
The elf also created a demo video to explain Santa how the script works.

A special Thanks to Kevin Schmiechen!

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