A short video about the Collections capabilities in Polarion 20R2

Back in May, I wrote a article which described the new Collection capability introduced in Polarion 20R1. As a reminder…

A deeper dive into Collections

In today’s blog we are going to take the collections feature that came in Polarion 20R1 and discuss it in…

Polarion Integration for Windchill®

Polarion 19.2 was recently released. If you haven’t read about the new release you can do so here. But we…

Improving Requirements Quality with reQLab

In case you missed it, we just released Polarion 19. If you haven’t read about the new release you can do so here. But we are not done yet. We have more exciting news to share with you from …

Polarion 18.2 Deep Dive – “Cross-References”

We announced Polarion 18.2 on this blog a few weeks ago. If you haven’t seen the announcement from my colleague Radek Krotil, you can read it by going to this link here

In today’s Pol…

Polarion Synchronization Connector for DOORS.

Polarion synchronization Connector for DOORS.

Building on top of the Import Wizard for IBM DOORS released in Polarion 17.1 and to provide users with flexibility and choice, a brand new bi-…

Further customization of the Polarion connector for Simulink.

Several weeks ago I discussed some of the new features we added to the latest release of the Polarion connector for Simulink. In that new release, we allowed users to export and link Simulink artifac…

Mathworks Simulink Connector Update

We recently updated the Mathworks Simulink Connector for Polarion to version 2.2. This version contains some new and exciting capabilities that I wanted to share with you.

Last year, we in…

Technology Partner Update

The Polarion team is pleased to welcome CertTech, Sodius and ULMA Embedded to the Siemens technology partner program.

CertTech is a recognized domain expert in tes…