SGS TüV Saar Certification and ISO 26262:2018

To achieve functional safety in electrical and electronic (E/E) systems, developers/suppliers/makers of E/E elements have followed the guidance of the ISO 26262 standard since 2011. Significant chang…

Whys & Wherefores behind Support for Open JDK 11

Reading the ‘Polarion ALM 18.3 – What’s New and Noteworthy’ post by @krotilr you undoubtedly noticed that the support posture for Java was changed in the 18.3 release. Specifically that supp…

Confidence in the Use of Software Tools per ISO 26262

The preeminence of the ISO 26262 standard, the adaptation of IEC 61508 to functional safety needs specific to road vehicles, is indisputable. Fundamental to ISO 26262 compliance in the …

New Business Opportunities Created By Embedded Computing

New Business Opportunities Created By Embedded Computing

Embedded software is becoming even more important in product development, leading innovation in connected and engineered products.

Although embedded software presents new business opportunities, the…

Modern Realities – Options, Variations, and Choices (Part 3 of 3)

Modern Realities – Options, Variations, and Choices (Part 3 of 3)

You may have seen the terms flitting around the internet: variants, variant management, product line engineering (PLE). You may have read that they represent an onrushing trend in product development…

The Nexus of ALM, Compliance, Liability, and Governance

The Nexus of ALM, Compliance, Liability, and Governance

More dreadful news headlines for automotive interests. This news further demonstrates the growing pervasiveness and importance of software within the automotive domain, and a cautionary tale with res…

Modern Realities – Options, Variations, and Choices (Part 2 of 3)

Modern Realities – Options, Variations, and Choices (Part 2 of 3)

You may have seen the terms flitting around the internet: variants, variant management, product line engineering (PLE). You may have read that they represent an onrushing trend in product development…

Shifting Demands Don't Need to be Automatic Vulnerabilities

Shifting Demands Don't Need to be Automatic Vulnerabilities

This year may very well go down as a bellwether in the history of automotive engineering, as the year when software truly became recognized as the most discussed and notable components in vehicle man…

Modern Realities – Options, Variations, and Choices (Part 1 of 3)

Modern Realities – Options, Variations, and Choices (Part 1 of 3)

You may have seen the terms flitting around the internet: variants, variant management, product line engineering (PLE). You may have read that they represent an onrushing trend in product development…