Polarion ALM 18 – What’s New and Noteworthy

The new major version of Polarion is available  –  Polarion ALM 18.

As with every major release, it includes all the capabilities that were previously released during the …

Polarion ALM 17.3 – What’s New and Noteworthy

The new version of Polarion is available  –  Polarion ALM version 17.3 (Service Release 3).
It is the last service release before our upcoming major release in March of 2018. …

Polarion ALM 17.2 – What’s New and Noteworthy

We have just released Polarion ALM17.2.  In this release, you will find new functionality and significant enhancements in areas such as

Variant Management – new cross-project capa…

Polarion ALM 2016 SR2 – What's New and Noteworthy

Polarion ALM 2016 SR2 – What's New and Noteworthy

I always enjoy it that I get to announce new releases to our customers and the world. This latest release… version 2016 Service Release 2 (SR2) is a very special one. Why? For new and enhanced func…

Polarion 2016 SR1 – What's New and Noteworthy

Polarion 2016 SR1 – What's New and Noteworthy

One of the things I always enjoy about my role is getting to showcase the latest output of our stellar development team. In the new version just released, Polarion 2016 SR1, we have focused less on i…

What’s New and Noteworthy in Polarion 2016

What’s New and Noteworthy in Polarion 2016

I’m very pleased to announce the release of yet another new major version of Polarion… version 2016. It’s the first one since we became a Siemens company, and one thing I hope you will notice is……

What's New and Noteworthy in Polarion 2015 SR3

What's New and Noteworthy in Polarion 2015 SR3

I’m happy to announce the first Polarion release since the announcement of our acquisition by Siemens: Polarion version 2015 SR3. This is the last planned service release for version 2015. As some of…

What’s New and Noteworthy in Polarion 2015 SR2

What’s New and Noteworthy in Polarion 2015 SR2

After months of hard work on the part of Polarion’s R&D team, we’ve released the second planned service release for Polarion version 2015: Polarion 2015 SR2. In this post I’ll share with you the …

What's New and Noteworthy in Polarion 2015 SR1

What's New and Noteworthy in Polarion 2015 SR1

I’m pleased to announce the first planned service release for Polarion version 2015. In this post I’ll share with you the most important new functionality and fixes. Let’s get started.