Polarion ALM 17.1 – What’s New and Noteworthy

Polarion: 17.1
Summer is rolling in and before the vacation season gets well underway, it’s time to announce the release of Polarion ALM version 17.1 – the first service release of the version 17…

Polarion ALM 17- What’s New and Noteworthy

Polarion: ALM 17. What’s New and Noteworthy?
Once again I’m pleased to announce the availability of a new major version release: Polarion ALM 17. The first thing our veteran customers will…

Current Tech Trends: Attack of the Drones!

Polarion: Current Tech Trends- Attack of the Drones!
I recently purchased a set of Star Wars drones and it got me thinking about all the practical and impractical uses for IoT devices. Drone tech…

Join Us: Improve your DOORS Experience [Webinar]

Polarion: Improve your DOORS Experience
Product development is even more complex than ever, with users expecting smarter, better-connected products. This change is making it even more difficult f…

Changing Lanes Quickly and Safely with Automotive ALM

Polarion: Changing Lanes Quickly and Safely with Automotive ALM
There are few things more ubiquitous today than your car, especially within the fast-paced confines of our commuter culture. Now, a…

Polarion ALM 2016 SR3 – What’s New and Noteworthy

As 2016 draws to a close, so does the development cycle of our product version 2016. I’m happy to announce the availability of Service Release 3 (SR3) and provide some information about what it deliv…

Internet of Things: Creating Challenges for Medical Device Manufacturers

We recently posted “Internet of Things: Expanding Into Medical Device Enterprise,” and welcome you to part two of the ongoing discussion about medical devices and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Internet of Things: Expanding into Medical Device Digital Enterprise

What is the definition of the Internet of Things (IoT)?
Gartner defines IoT as the following: “The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects that contain embedded technology to co…