
Internal POP Challenge Winner Announced

By walekJ

by ??Jirí Walek, Product Manager

I’m pleased to announce the winner of the 2010 Polarion-internal POP Challenge, an event where we invite Polarion employees and partners to compete for a $1000 prize for the best Polarion extension. As usual, all the entries were great and picking a winner was a tough job. But we could pick only one winner, which we finally did.

And the winner is…

Role Based Enumeration Filter by BENJAMIN ENGELE

This extension filters the options available for selection based on the (global or project) roles of the current user. Click the link above for more details. Our congratulations to Benjamin.

It’s sad that only one submission could win the challenge because the others submitted were all good and valuable extensions. The Polarion Community benefits significantly from the contributions of all the internal POP Challenge authors and their extensions:

On behalf of the entire Polarion Community, thank you for your valuable contribution to the community and the ever-growing catalog of Polarion POP Extensions!

Public Challenge winner will be announced soon!

We’re close to the end of the judging in the Polarion 2010 public POP Challenge. The winner of that challenge will take home a new Apple iPad, and provide his or her company with $10,000 in Polarion Software product licenses. Stay tuned for that announcement, coming soon.

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