New Forrester Research Validates Polarion’s Approach to Agile Requirements and Testing
Diego Lo Guidice, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, Inc. has just co-published a report titled Overcoming Barriers To Modern Application Delivery. One of the key take-aways is based on ongoing...
Diego Lo Guidice, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, Inc. has just co-published a report titled Overcoming Barriers To Modern Application Delivery. One of the key take-aways is based on ongoing discussions with leading development organizations around the world…
“To delight customers, you must act as if you were running a software company. To do so:
Shift to a “product team” to align business, teams, and organization goals,
- Simplify roles and broaden people skills to improve operational results,
- Adopt Lean and Agile practices to improve delivery results, and
- Automate to simplify the transition.”
This take-away reinforces the value Polarion Software brings to our customers and prospects. Our solutions already enable organizations to:
- Align disparate teams by transparently connecting business and organizational goals and with specific tasks,
- Improve operational results through streamlined workflow efficiencies
- Support Lean and Agile practices with templates that get teams running out of the gate and are easy to customize, plus
- Automate workflows via a powerful rules-engine on top of one repository.
Diego Lo Guidice will present details about his latest findings as well as industry best practice recommendations in his keynote address, Agile Requirements and Testing for Continuous Software Delivery at Polarion Live, our annual User Conference on October 14 in Stuttgart, Germany.