
Polarion 2014 EAP: First Reactions to Native Clustering

By walekJ

In the few days since we launched “Chapter 2” of the Polarion 2014 Early Access Program (EAP), we’ve had some super input on the new native clustering feature. It’s extremely helpful to have this direct feedback from Polarion users while planned features are still under development, not to mention planning our future development to make sure we deliver what you need most. I thought I would share with you how people have responded thus far to our questions about the new clustering/failover/load-balancing functionality.

Failover vs. Load Balancing vs. Performance

What interests you most about a clustering solution?
Failover solution: 35%
Load balancing 30%
Performance Efficiency 35%

As you can see, the responses from those who’ve sent us feedback so far is pretty evenly distributed. What’s your opinion? There’s still plenty of time to chime in.

Real or Virtual?

When it comes to how people are hosting Polarion, it’s pretty skewed in favor of virtual servers:

Do you now host Polarion on virtual server or physical server?
Virtual server: 76% EAP 2014 Polarion Hosting
Physical server: 12%
Both types: 12%

Subversion: Still on Top

Tried and true SVN is still top dog with our first responders, but we can see that Git is starting to garner interest. Where do you fit in?


What kind of external Version Control Systems do you need to connect?
SVN: 67%
Git: 22%
Mercurial: 6%

Thanks to all who have already jumped in and provided their feedback. If you haven’t yet, there’s still time to join in. Check out the preview page on Native Clustering, coming in Polarion version 2014, and add your input to what fellow Polarion users have already contributed.
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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at