
Polarion 2014 – What's New and Noteworthy

By walekJ

Once again it’s my pleasure to announce the release of a new major version of our products: Polarion version 2014, and to spotlight the newest features our talented R&D team has added to today’s best Requirements Management, Test Management, and Application Lifecycle Management solution.

So here are the new and noteworthy changes/features added to Polarion 2014 since Polarion 2013 SR3. (A list of all the issues addressed in this release is provided in the Resolved Work Items file.)


New support for running Polarion on multiple physical and/or virtual machines, sharing a single repository on clustered instances, or running multiple Polarion instances each with its own repository, or a combination of these topographies. Supported use cases include active/active failover, and distributed processing to utilize hardware resources efficiently based on user demand.

 A new PDF manual, Polarion Enterprise Setup Guide, is available to help you to set up the clustering solution in your environment.

Easy Planning

New top-level business object Plan (Navigation > Plans) facilitates planning of releases and iterations within releases. Create any hierarchy of Plans, populated with pre-estimated Work Items to be processed within the Plan’s time frame. Simple drag-drop operation to populate a Plan with Work Items. Robust live reporting with burn-up/burn-down charting clearly shows Plan progress in several ways, including comparison against “ideal” progress in terms of the total estimated work, the team’s total capacity, and the time available. New example Plans are included in demo projects.


To activate the new Easy Planning feature in yourexisting projects:

  1. Enter project Administration.

  2. In Navigation, expand Plans, and select Plan Templates.

  3. Click on button Set Up Planning…

Requirements Interchange

Native support for ReqIF round-trip without additional plugins or integrations. Import and re-import RIF and ReqIF documents, export Polarion LiveDoc documents as ReqIF or RIF documents, and re-import external changes to exported data.

Import ReqIF Document



Export Live Document as ReqIF 


LiveDoc Custom Fields

Create custom metadata for Polarion Documents on a per-Document basis: Owner, Target Version, for example.


You can define the custom fields easily in the project Administration.



Significant Improvements and Fixes

Configure custom PDF headers and footers per Document during export.

Save and reuse the custom configuration; optionally restore the default with a single click. Reference Document custom fields both from PDF and Microsoft Word® header and footer.


POST method on the {parameter-form}

Handle a large set of parameters in wiki report pages by using the POST “method” on the {parameter-form}.
 Parameter editors and their associated buttons need to be surrounded by the {parameter-form} macro.

  • method (optional) – get|post – defines method used for form submission. It causes the macro to
    use the specified value (get or post) in the method attribute of the <form> element in the page’s HTML.


Improved transparency in some LiveDoc operations:

Users who delete a LiveDoc are informed that its Work Items will also be deleted.


Users are informed when a Work Item is in a LiveDoc’s Recycle Bin.


Ad-Hoc Enumeration Parameter

Specify labels for string values in the {parameter} macro by creating an ad-hoc enumeration.


  • The {testrecords} macro was modified to show all test records when “top=0”.

  • Improved handling of merged cells in import form Microsoft Word®.

  • Empty table cells in rich-text editors no longer contain white spaces.

  • The {includeform} macro now works in History.

  • Added support for Subversion 1.8.




For a summary of everything that has gone into the making of Polarion 2014 in the past year, see “Polarion Version 2014 is now available“.

Or jump directly to the blog article about:

SR1 – Approval Center, Connector for MATLAB® Simulink, more live report templates.

SR2 – Easy Prioritization of Work Items, rich text enhancements, including font selection, font color, and font background color, svn protocol support for improved performance, new diagnostic tool for admins.

SR3 – Test Record attachments, new charting library (HighCharts), LiveDoc find & replace.

Where to Get Polarion 2014

Polarion 2014 is a free update for customers with a current maintenance subscription. You can download the update distribution at


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