
Polarion Connector for Simulink® update

Hi everyone.

We’ve just released version 3.1.0 of the Polarion connector for Mathworks Simulink®. This new update has several new features along with some fixes too.

You can download it for free from our Polarion App Store using the following link

New Features:

– Support the ability to map Polarion work-item types to Simulink requirement types (Functional, container, and informational)
– Added support for Polarion personal authentication tokens (PAT) for authentication with Polarion
– Added ability to customize how Simulink block information is presented and ordered in the Polarion surrogate item
– Added a new Start page configuration property to allow users to specify a start page URL for Polarion when Polarion first opens on the launch of the connector pane
– Added a new customizations folder to the installation that includes several customization scripts to support extended functionality. Please refer to the folder for more details


– SC-503 – There is an [syntax] error shown when the user defines several configurations for the same server URL and calls Polarion Context Selector
– SC-464 – Optimize “Open in Polarion” behavior not to refresh Polarion views on each request
– SC-492 – Improve behavior of progress indicator on loading of LiveDocs
– SC-491 – If there is an explicit link between the “Import1” node and the top-level diagram, there is a warning in the console
– SC-466 – Extra parameters in URL (like ‘hide_navigator’ or ‘selection=wi-123’) may be considered as change of ReqSet configuration
– SC-465 – Fix issues with models, which keep linking data internally
– SC-451 – If problems (e.g., network connectivity) problems occur during “Refresh” – it may lead to an empty ReqSet and loss of all the links to it
– SC-449 – If there was an error during initial import to a ReqSet, there is no possibility to overwrite broken ReqSet

As always, we love to hear from you with your improvement suggestions or if you are experiencing any issues. So don’t hesitate to reach out. Our Polarion support folks will put you in touch with us.

Thanks, Adrian

Polarion Product Management

Adrian Whitfield

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at