
Sneak Preview: Test Management in Polarion 2012

By walekJ

The Polarion 2012 Early Access Program (EAP) has been underway for a while now and response from Polarion customers has been excellent. If you would like to participate and haven’t yet, please sign up.

One of the benefits of the EAP is advance “sneak peek” information about key new features and functionality. Here’s a video that will give you a look inside the current state of development, and the new features for Test Management (approx. 9 min.)


One thought about “Sneak Preview: Test Management in Polarion 2012
  • I don’t quite understand the way comments in test cases are handled. When I run a test case a first time and add a comment, will this comment remains visible also for a second and a third test run?

    ->if so, popular test cases may end up having >100 comments attached. This does not sound handy, does it?

    How do you deal with this?

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at