
Physical Asset Management for Service: Virtual Seminar

Catch this virtual seminar to hear how you can improve your service outcomes with full visibility into your physical asset configurations with Teamcenter Service Lifecycle Management.

Many service operators, whether OEMs or 3rd parties, struggle to achieve a viable solution for capturing on-going configuration changes in order to retain accurate visibility of their assets’ latest configuration. Some operators leverage their Service Operations system to capture these asset changes, however, this resolves only the visibility aspect, while there is still a disconnect with OEM design data. This partial solution can result in the inability to provide service technicians live up-to-date data specific to how the asset is configured at the time of their service activity. In addition to catching the virtual seminar, you can read more about improving service efficiency with management of physical asset configuration here.

Interested in learning more about Service Lifecycle Management and how it can help you reduce risks? 

Service technicians with a banner on the Service Lifecycle Management seminar series

For a complete list of Service Lifecycle Management virtual seminars and dates, go here.

Teamcenter Service Lifecycle Management helps you capitalize on the re-use of product knowledge from engineering and manufacturing to improve service planning and execution. This approach focuses on delivering a truly comprehensive Digital Twin that accurately manages physical asset configuration details and provides capabilities to properly contextualize all required data.   Additionally, these asset configurations are linked and continually validated against the available specifications to ensure quality and compliance. This allows for maximum reuse of all available asset data and whether it’s utilization, analytical models, service requirements, instructions, etc., to have full traceability and history across the various stakeholders.

Learn More

Listen to the podcast on the Importance of Service Lifecycle Management here.

Explore Teamcenter Service Lifecycle Management at your own pace, with a free software trial!

Author Info:
Kerri Doyle
ID: 54511

Kerri Doyle
Senior Product Marketing Manager

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at