
Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2019: How was it?

By marta_s

You know how it goes. You return from an industry show to your office and then there is this one question that keeps coming back: ‘How was it?’ That’s why I thought to share with you some highlights from the Automotive Testing Expo that took place May 21 – 23, 2019 in Stuttgart. So, you can also know, how it was.

New technologies attract more people

This edition broke the attendance record. From our observation, compared to last year, the traffic has noticeably increased. Although, this information isn’t backed by the official numbers yet, we can confirm that this year brought to our booth a great number of interested visitors. You could sense the test-enthusiast buzz at our booth.

(view in My Videos)

SimRod: On the way to the Digital Twin

One of our missions at the show was to bring a real example of the Digital Twin concept (for better understanding, read this blog post). Obviously, to digitalize your system, sub-system or a complete product, you’ll need to validate your digital model using wide range of physical tests. We’re very pleased to see the growing interest in this technology. The proof were very advanced questions from the visitors.

Automotive Testing Expo Siemens Simcenter Digital Twin.JPGAutomotive Testing Expo Siemens SimRod

During the show days, next to the individual visits, we hosted six organized booth guided tours in four different languages. The participants could explore detailly the testing instruments, various sensors and learn about the latest software solution. That was a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with testing experts.
One of the booth visitor was also Fabien Caroselli, Project Manager at Kyburz, the manufacturer of SimRod, who came to evaluate the collaboration with Simcenter. “This cooperation on the SimRod project has brought us valuable insights for the next generation vehicle development. The provided test data helped us to understand better the customers issues and leads us to the solution.” Next to that, Mr. Caroselli also explains how the test-validated data helped them in the supplier selection. “Thanks to the obtained data, we were more empowered to make the right supplier choice.”

The hot topics in the automotive testing industry

In many cases the conversations with the booth visitors headed the direction of Model-based system testing.

This powerful concept of working environment, where physical testing and simulation are fused, is gaining ground in the automotive industry. This concept brings a lot of potential to shorten and simplify the vehicle development cycle.
Model-based system testing is just one part of the all new Simcenter Testlab Neo. Simcenter Testlab Neo drew much interest in the booth. Neo is from the Greek and means New. The Simcenter Testlab user interface has been redesigned from the ground up in Neo. Accessing and displaying data is quicker than ever, and processing has been made flexible and easy to understand. For more information about Neo, check this article HERE.

Simcenter Amesim system model is directly readable in Simcenter Testlab Neo.jpgSiemens Amesim system model is directly readable in Simcenter Testlab Neo

In the testing section, Siemens was invited twice on the stage for a technology demonstration. The first time, Jan Debille shared a case study on structural dynamics presented on SimRod showing the potential of combining simulation with test results. If you missed it, you can find the presentation HERE.

Innovation demonstration Structural dynamics case study.JPGInnovation demonstration: Structural dynamics case study

The second time, the floor belonged to Dominiek Coppens, who presented the latest innovations in the electric vehicle NVH testing. If you are interested to learn more about the emerging NVH challenges and approaches, you can check out the presentation HERE.

Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo - Siemens solutions.JPGAutonomous Vehicle Technology Expo – Siemens solutions

Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo

In Hall 6, the Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo was set up, supported by symposiums for Software & AI and Autonomous Vehicle Development and Testing. Also here, Siemens was present, showing simulation and test solutions ‘from Chip to City’. The booth visitors could engage in coversations on design exploration, validation, verification and certification of AV specific chips, vehicle electronics hardware and software, controls, sensor configurations and vehicle performance. Given the fact that the Siemens portfolio goes beyond the level of the individual vehicle, the other hot topic at this booth were solutions that are used to develop urban mobility platform, including infrastructure based sensor and control systems. These solutions are designed for city level perspective, where vehicles become elements of a bigger system. An autonomous driving test vehicle that is being used on the test beds of Siemens Mobility was the eye catcher of the booth, accompanied by its digital twin. Interest was huge, we welcomed more than double the number of people of last year’s event.

Automotive Testing Expo next moves to the United States in Novi, Michigan in October 22-24, 2019.

Hope to see you there!

Marta Sambaer
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at