
Act now: Final day of 2017 Quadfecta: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event

Final Day, Friday, August 18th

Have  you heard? This event ends today, so have fun while it lasts.

Registration is as easy as clicking here

Electric Motor noise.jpgSomething is happening hear…

 Fundamentals of Modern Driving DynamicsView Agenda
Learn the latest in vehicle development for handling and ride performance. Be exposed to leading edge technologies for numerical simulation, real-time solutions for controls integration, and experimental measurement methods to quantify body deformation during test track maneuvers.

Sound Metrics Unleashed!View Agenda
Sound quality isn’t just for gurus anymore! Learn about loudness, prominence ratio, sharpness, articulation index, fluctuation strength and much more.

Electric Vehicle DevelopmentView agenda
Increase battery life, vehicle performance and range!

This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at