
Enable the next generation simulation your development requires.

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We are pleased to invite you to our unique webinar, in which we will present and illustrate our new state-of-the-art method.

Developing and validating autonomous vehicles is an unprecedented challenge that will turn simulation from a mean to optimize projects resources to a mandatory enabler. 

An autonomous system reliability validation will often require at the least millions of test cases to be assessed, with numerous domains to be considered: sensors behavior, sensors fusion strategy, decisional artificial intelligence, lower level controls, drivers’ behavior, vehicle multi-physics, all this embedded in realistic environments and scenarios. The coming AD validation will require the combination of efficient ego vehicle sensors, controllers, AI and vehicle dynamics models with a tremendous amount of scenarios, while enabling CAE engineers understanding of the millions results generated, without analyzing them all. This also needs to be driven by requirements and linked to collaborative development assets repositories.

This year, Siemens PLM will launch its first generation ADAS and automated driving simulation framework. With this launch, Siemens PLM aims to provide a virtual validation and verification simulation framework gathering the needed domains while enabling scenarios, designs and massive results spaces exploration to pin down system failures root causes and validate autonomous systems. 

The webinar will be presented by our Product Line Manager for ADAS and autonomous vehicles Enguerrand Prioux. During this webinar, we will provide more information about our new ADAS and automated driving validation and verification framework and demonstrate it.

Subscibe now so you won’t miss out! 

Lisa Janssen
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at