
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Exploring the endless potential of AI in performance engineering as we Recap Realize LIVE + User2User (U2U) 2021

Realize LIVE, Siemens Software’s annual content bonanza, took place back in June 2021. Once again, we took this flagship event online and on-demand, but in 2021 it also wrapped in our User2User (U2U) event to offer the user community a unified environment in which to learn, connect and grow. What excited me the most this year was an incredibly strong content stream dedicated to arguably the most talked-about business technology topic today—AI.

AI has long been hailed as a game changer for almost every industry, leveraging the fruits of our data-rich world to speed and streamline processes, make better decisions and advance innovation in a myriad of scenarios, from autonomous vehicles to virtual sensing. Recently, we have seen the global conversation turn to AI’s limitations, ethical implications and regulation. But whatever bigger-picture developments play out over the next few years, the fact is that right now, AI represents a significant opportunity for innovation and excellence in performance engineering. With this in mind, the AI theme at Realize LIVE + U2U brought together a collection of engaging experts to explore the role of AI across engineering processes and offer tangible opportunities for participants to gather valuable, actionable insights.

A program full of highlights

Katrien Wyckaert (Senior Director – Simcenter Industry Solutions), veteran AI proponent Herman Van der Auweraer (Director of Research and Technical Development), and Ian McGann (Simulation and Testing) held a session on AI’s potential in a performance engineering context.

Turbo machinery expert Justin Hodges led a hands-on session dedicated to AI for design optimization of CFD workflows, where he guided participants through the process of building neural networks with CFD data to augment and accelerate design exploration with real-time predictions.

We also heard from our expert teams on topics such as:

  • How automotive manufacturers are getting ahead with AI-led development processes and Simcenter
  • How Simcenter Amesim ROM Builder harnesses AI to unlock the power of digital twins with reduced order models
  • The potential value of AI in digital twins for innovation in product development

To see some of the presentations in this theme which were presented in Realize LIVE + U2U 2021, click below

Unlocking the power of digital twins with reduced order models

Exploring AI for Design Optimization of CFD workflows

How AI Drives Vehicle Performance Engineering and why you should care

This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at