
Simulation-Driven Design: Generate Completely New Design Concepts

By Dung_H

Welcome back to the third part of our simulation-driven design blog series! If you haven’t read the previous posts, you can do so here:

Part 1: The Age of Simulation-Driven Design
Part 2: The Benefits of Simulation-Driven Design

This week, we are discussing the ability to generate completely new design concepts within simulation-driven design environment. With topology optimization, you don’t begin with a design at all. Instead, a designer within NX CAD models the design space simulates it based on expected loading conditions. The result is a completely new part that meets structural performance requirements and is lighter than the existing design. Watch this video below to gain a better understanding of topology optimization.

If you’re someone who enjoys learning about everything in one sitting, then be sure to watch this webinar to learn beyond the benefits of simulation-driven design.


Don’t forget to come back on May 29th (two weeks from today) to learn about the capabilities of simulation-driven design!

This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at