
Outstanding system and full vehicle NVH? It is all about integration!

Russian babushka dolls are designed to fit inside one another, revealing each time a smaller figure inside. Auto manufacturers and suppliers also design “objects-within-objects”. Like the matriarch doll encompasses her children, manufacturers want their engine and transmission to flawlessly integrate in the full vehicle.


However, when integrated on vehicle level, the NVH performance of these subsystems is being affected. Especially when it concerns new powertrain concepts, such as downsized internal combustion engines or (hybrid) electric vehicles. It gets even more complicated when also fuel economy and drivability are taken into consideration, as almost every strategy to reduce CO2 emissions through powertrain efficiency affects the NVH performance.


Like every (real) family has a disagreement once in a while, it is common sense that vehicle subsystems are in constant dynamic interaction with each other, once assembled. Whether you experience issues with tip-in, shift shock, vehicle launch issues, or suffer from squeak, rattle, judder, clunk, whine or booming noise, at Siemens PLM Software, we make the lives of integration and NVH engineers easier by:


  1. Benchmarking the performance of components in a full vehicle context. By assessing subsystem components in relation to the full vehicle, possible conflicts can be solved in the early stages of the development. In short, it increases your time-to-market and prevents costly redesign.

  2. Considering multiple performance attributes simultaneously. Instead of running isolated campaigns targeted at individual performance attributes, and thereby generating redundant and sometimes conflicting models and data sets, we help balancing multiple attributes in an optimal way. Doing so, we help improve your brand image while reducing global cost.


How we do this? It is all about integration.

To effectively integrate systems and subsystems on the full vehicle level and frontload design decisions, engineers need to integrate different methodologies. Whether transfer path analysis is applied, or you use operational deflection shapes, 3D modeling or 1D modeling, each method leaves questions unanswered when carried out independently. At Siemens, we typically start with developing 1D functional models and complement it with 3D geometry-driven models or testing methods when applicable. Watch this 3 minute movie and see how to solve integration issues and diagnose on the full vehicle, instead of single attribute-level.


Our engineering experts integrate all relevant analysis technologies into one comprehensive solution. By using the established strengths of testing ánd simulation methods, customers no longer draw conclusions manually by looking at a bunch of analysis results from different tools. They reduce NVH issues at the start of the development process and balance it with fuel economy and drivability requirements.


Next time you’re integrating your engine or transmission, remember the babushka dolls: Integration is not an important thing. It is everything!


For more information, register for the on-demand webinar and see how an integrated approach helps to better understand the reasons behind low-frequency driveline NVH and drivability issues.




On-demand webinar:

Els Verlinden
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at