
The Challenges of Composites Damage Simulation

By Dung_H

We previously talked about closing the loop between as-designed and as-manufactured composites, but that’s just one of the many challenges experts face in the world of composites. The simulation of damage in composites have been proven to be efficient and accurate with the assistance of LMS Samtech Samcef in the two studies our Research and Technology Development team presented at the Eccomas Conference in 2015 and 2017. The main advantages for our damage model are the reduced number of experiments needed to characterize the material behavior and the application of the damage law at the layer lever, which allows independent lay-up. However, this accuracy is highly dependent on the parameter identification method to feed this damage law.

Learn more about the studies by downloading the documents below. You can also access the documents here, located in our Downloadables section.

This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at