
Ready to challenge your traditional engineering with MBSE

Many companies have well-defined processes and tools that have been optimized for decades by dedicated resources and throughout specific projects. It’s not obvious to suddenly question those and come up with something new. That requires strong arguments based on solid evidence.

In addition to that, as traditional engineering is often test-centric as opposed to model-centric, the point is hard to make. Because, let’s be honest, what could be more convincing than having a real physical prototype in hands and test it?

Simulation-Test balance in traditional engineering.pngSimulation-Test balance in traditional engineering

And furthermore, companies these days are already overloaded with all these new methods such as MBSE, but also systems engineering, application engineering, crowdsourcing, agile, design thinking and more. So how to make such paradigm shifts without damaging business, impacting resources and changing the company culture?

Taking all these complexities into consideration, the best advice I can give you is to put MBSE next to your current process and give it a try. It may sound like a waste of time and money, but only by running a project in the traditional way while running the same project in parallel using MBSE as implemented in Simcenter, you can truly form yourself an opinion based on facts.

Simulation-Test balance in MBSE.pngSimulation-Test balance in MBSE

The extra effort of executing the same project twice will anyway bring you lots of benefits:

  • You will have the right metrics in hand to estimate the potential relative cost and time savings after having an MBSE process implemented

  • You could potentially reach a system-optimized end-product that you could compare feature-wise with your traditional engineering end-product, hence building trust in MBSE

  • You would potentially reach the market faster with the MBSE project, which would bring quicker return on the investment of running two projects in parallel

And of course we can help you. We can offer you scalable support from engineering services professionals.

Several customers have already been able to quantify the benefits of MBSE using Simcenter tools. Among many others, Renault SA has divided the development time of its automated manual transmission by 2, Airbus Helicopters has decreased its prototype costs by a factor 4 and MAN Diesel & Turbo has reduced the development time for new fuel injection systems by a factor 5.Benefits of MBSE.pngBenefits of MBSE

So are you ready to do the comparison? Are you prepared to assess the accuracy and speed of both your traditional engineering process and MBSE, and see which one will win the competition? We are more than ready to provide you with all the necessary information and help.

As a first step in your process, watch this 40-minutes webinar : Introduction to the fundamentals of model-based systems engineering

Romain Nicolas
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at