
Objectively quantify body rigidity design changes

To engineer a vehicle with outstanding driving characteristics, a large variety of safety and vehicle handling factors haves to be considered, such as drivability, stability, agility and control. On top of that, these factors have to be combined with targets for achieving a high level of ride comfort, low road noise levels and a lightweight structure.

But how to set body targets for handling performance on body or full vehicle level?
Do traditional simulation and test approaches suffice?
Unfortunately not. The problem is two-fold:

No digital twin (yet)

Sure, 3D simulation tools are being used for target setting. But in reality, simulation results for body rigidity are significantly lower than real test observations on the track. Consequently, they are inadequate to rely on for target setting. A real digital twin to help setting full vehicle targets does not (yet) exist.

The failure of classic test approaches

Also classic test approaches fail to give sufficient insights in the vehicle’s dynamic behavior in relation to body rigidity. With the acquired test data collected in low-response scenarios, this offers limited reliability. And only part of the subjective driver perception can be linked to objective measurements.

This makes it particularly difficult for automotive OEMs to define or evaluate full vehicle targets. 

Go beyond classic vehicle dynamic testing approaches and enable full vehicle objective characterization

Deploying a body target setting process for handling performance requires objective quantification of body rigidity design changes on body and vehicle level. What you need is an innovative approach that uses simulation models to enhance test acquired results. As a result, manufacturers are able to go beyond traditional approaches and objectively characterize on full vehicle level.

Using Simcenter solutions, leading automotive manufacturers in Europe, Asia and the USA gain time and money while benefiting from increased accuracy and high resolution data.

Succeed where classic approaches for vehicle dynamics fail: set targets for body rigidity

Register for the on-demand webinar and learn how to Improve vehicle handling by deploying a target setting process for body rigidity. During this webinar Tom Dirickx, our Vehicle Dynamics Expert, explains how to define critical body properties and relate objective measures to subjective driver feeling or perception.  


What you will learn:

  • Establish a body target setting process to balance stiffness and lightweight requirements with optimal vehicle handling performance
  • Objectively quantify body rigidity design changes on track performance
  • Reduce time and development cost in vehicle structure design

I also invite you for an interesting blog post on how to closes the gap between driver feel and objective metrics

Els Verlinden
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at