
Setting up LMS QSources right the first time

I remember getting Legos for six straight birthdays when I was young.

Back then; the fierce anticipation to finish my next miniature masterpiece was much greater than the patience I could foster to go through the actual building process (I was five). This caused me to skip vital steps prescribed by the manual, and eventually reaching dead ends, often several pages further. Backtracking my mistakes would obviously compromise the speed of the overall construction process significantly.

Meanwhile, I’ve learned that slowing down, getting things right the first time simply turns out faster and better (try assembling any piece of IKEA furniture if you’re still not convinced). 

Setting up LMS QSources for your acoustic measurement campaign follows the same basic logic.

LMS QSources have been around for a considerable while now, since the early nineties to be exact, and they are becoming more popular with each new release. Over the years, the LMS QSources family has grown to include no less than six highly performing application-specific members – each one answering to a specific application or industry need. While similar acoustic sources and shakers have begun to appear on the market, LMS QSources keep distinguishing themselves from the alternatives with their extreme accuracy and ease of use.

To show you just how easy set-up can be, Tom Knechten and his acoustic wingman Jack De Boever set out to record a step-by-step installation guide for four of our most popular sources and shakers.

Hope these will help you with your next acoustic measurement!

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Visit our website for more information on LMS QSources

Karen DeMeyer
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at