
Introducing the Simcenter Sound Camera

By SilviaM

Jeroen Lanslots is Product Manager and responsible for the Simcenter Sound Camera, a release in the Sound Source Localization (SSL) family. Here is a short interview of him presenting this exciting digital array in the Simcenter Testing Solutions portfolio.  

Jeroen, what is the Simcenter Sound Camera?

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The Simcenter Sound Camera is a great tool to localize sound sources. We created an industrial and robust array that covers a wide frequency range and uses digital microphones, like the ones in your smart phones. Its modular design makes it possible to increase or decrease the diameter by adding or removing extension arms. This makes it suitable for a very wide application range, from automotive to white goods.

The Simcenter Sound Camera comes with a dedicated software for real-time acoustic troubleshooting and on-the-spot analysis. But it can also be connected directly to Simcenter Testlab, for instance if you need to measure additional channels in parallel, or require more advanced analysis. 

In practice, how does it work and who benefits the most?

It’s a very fast tool. You can have it set up and running in less than 2 minutes. It does not need a front-end and connects directly to a computer with a single cable. And this can be done not only by experts, but also by occasional users. That is a big deal for an acoustic troubleshooting product. Imagine you have a tool in your toolbox, but it takes 15-30 minutes to set up after you had to read the manual to recall the procedure. Simcenter Sound Camera is the screwdriver in your acoustic NVH toolbox. You can use it immediately when you need it, and you don’t have to go through the manual to get it working.

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What makes it stand out as a great Sound Source Localization tool?

With Simcenter Sound Camera, its interactive analysis is applied in real-time. The holograms are instantly updated when the user moves the array closer or further away from the source. Changes in the frequency band of analysis are applied instantly. So is the time averaging, which allows to focus on stationary or transient sources. And, in parallel, time data and video can be stored for later analysis.

Interested in this solution and how you can benefit from it? Discover our Simcenter Sound Camera by visiting our website

But first, watch this video to see how quickly it really is to have Simcenter Sound Camera up and running. Just the time you take to prepare your tea…

Read more about the latest release of the Simcenter Sound Camera here.

Silvia Martin


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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at