Mixture Multiphase – 3 great enhancements that put mixtures at the heart of hybrid multiphase CFD

In Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2406, Mixture Multiphase (MMP) has been put at the heart of hybrid multiphase to enable applications such as e-motor cooling.

VOF simulation speed-up used on simulating a sloshing tank experiment

Shift gears for VOF simulation speed-up with Implicit Multistep 

Obtain massive VOF simulation speed-up with Implicit Multistep in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2022.1

Hybrid Multiphase CFD simulation with AMR and fluid film of a dishwasher

Unlocking the potential of hybrid multiphase CFD simulation

Adaptive mesh refinement together with fluid film is a game changing technology that unlocks the power of hybrid multiphase CFD simulation. Available with Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2021.2.

Breaking the Courant Number barrier for multiphase flow

Multiphase CFD simulation and Courant Number Aliens had just crashed in New Mexico (allegedly), India and Pakistan had just gained…

Affordable Accuracy – VOF to Lagrangian Resolved Transition

Something has been digging up our lawn. Every meter or so there is a hole. I remember now that this…

E-motor oil cooling

Keeping it real with Hybrid Multiphase

Around the turn of the Millennium, I was tempted to move away from Engineering, and took a postgraduate course in…

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ v13.04: Get into your stride with VOF Multi-Step

One of the highlights of the elementary school sports day when I was growing up was the three legged race where one participant would have their left ankle tied to the right ankle of their team mate….