How can you ensure data validation on measured loads for your next electric car?

Learn how to achieve accurate data validation process on measured loads to extract the best out of vast amounts of data!

Improve your measurement quality with remote data acquisition and automated data validation

Learn how to improve your test measurement with remote data acquisition and automated data validation thanks to our Simcenter solutions.

Heavy equipment durability testing: Living on the edge!

Imagine a scenario such that you want to measure real-life loads impacting the durability lifetime of an agricultural machinery. You’re…

Simcenter Battery vibration test for electric vehicles

Why ‘battery vibration test’ is the name of the game

Learn how to set battery vibration test to ensure proper durability testing and secure integration into the vehicle.

Increase your durability engineering insight by deploying data acquisition campaigns under extreme environments

What are the typical challenges you face when you go for a data acquisition campaign for your heavy equipment? Durability…

[Webinar] Make your heavy equipment machine stronger and sounds better

Increasing the test efficiency of your machine’s durability and NVH performance using a single platform


Virtual Sensors accuracy improved by Test and Simulation

Learn how to use test and simulation software for model-based system testing (MBST) to optimize tests, have better models and more accurate virtual sensors.


SimRod experience: Synthesize vibration profiles and create accelerated shaker tests

Nowadays, all test engineers are forced to execute their testing activities in shorter time since vehicle manufacturers are a in…

Vibration control testing for electric cars

Read about the different vibration control techniques for electric cars offered by Simcenter… and learn a thing or two about rock ‘n roll.