Entropy made my room untidy

How entropy made my house untidy

I am writing this blog in a messy office, in a messy house. But of course, none of this is my fault. As any competent engineer will tell you, the blame rests squarely with entropy.

Paddled not stirred: Which is the best way to stir a cup of tea?

Most people using a circular stirring motion, but the King of England paddles with his spoon. We use CFD to work out the best way to stir a cup of tea.

HDAP Semi-transient Thermal

Digitalizing the semiconductor industry

Why digital thread engineering and simulation are vital in shaping the next generation of semiconductor devices The semiconductor industry has…

Lewis Fry Richardson's Forecast Factory

Inside The Forecast Factory: how AI is set to revolutionise weather forecasting

We peer inside the Forecast Factory, exploring how weather forecasts are made today, and how AI is going to improve the accuracy and range of future forecasts.

Vintage punched card for computer data storage

From Punched Cards to ChatGPT: a brief history of Computer Aided Engineering

From punched cards to ChatGPT, brief history of the changing ways in which CAE engineers communicate with computers.

Safer than wind? The truth about nuclear power

Just how safe is nuclear energy compared with other power sources? The answer might surprise you.

model train travels through model Munich

Planes, Trains or Automobiles? Lessons from a 1250km train journey across Europe.

When travelling internationally, most of us immediately jump aboard a green belching aircraft. In this blog explore the implications of taking a train journey instead.

Ian McGann - Turbine

Five reasons why Executable Digital Twins are set to dominate engineering in 2023

I spoke with Siemens xDT expert Ian McGann and asked him about the five things that make executable digital twins practical and relevant in 2023, based mainly on his recent experiences in building digital twins of offshore wind turbines.

A Healthier World: 5 ways in which engineering simulation will help us live longer, happier and more productive lives

Medicine is one of the greatest triumphs of the modern world. Although medicine existed in the pre-industrial world, it was…