Introducing Simcenter Flotherm 2019.2

One of the best parts of my job as the Product Manager for Simcenter Flotherm is showing our users what…

Simcenter MAGNET and Simcenter Motorsolve 2019.1

What’s New in Simcenter MAGNET & Motorsolve 2019.1

There are some significant new capabilities in the latest version of both Simcenter MAGNET and Simcenter Motorsolve 2019.1, including predicting electromagnetically-induced vibro-acoustics.

What’s New in Simcenter Flomaster 2019.3

Simcenter Flomaster 2019.3 is the latest release that introduces some significant new capabilities.  Visco-elastic behavior for polymer pipes Polymer pipes…

What’s new in Simcenter Prescan 2019.3?

Simcenter Prescan, the best physics-based simulation platform for testing and development of automated vehicles, announces the release of version 2019.3….

Electric vehicles do not vroom

‘Electric vehicles do not wroom” and what else is new in Simcenter Testlab 2019.1.2 release.

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1: NVH Synthesis component-based TPA

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1 introduces new technologies such as NVH syntehsis and component-based TPA to advance the NVH product development.

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1: Answering trends in Pass-by Noise Engineering

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1 introduces new features reflecting the trends and updates in vehicle pass-by noise engineering in the automotive industry.

Simcenter Prescan 2019.2 release

Simcenter Prescan 2019.2 announces the official 1.0 launch of the Matlab Data Model API and the introduction of three Ground Truth outputs for the Unreal Physics Based Camera.
Ground T…

Two new major physics based sensors in Simcenter Prescan 2019.1


Simcenter Prescan announces the release of version 2019.1. This release proudly announces the introduction of two new major Physics Based Sensors:

The Physics Based…