Fun CFD Simulation can be quite serious

10 secrets to a stunningly fun CFD simulation

What is the secret of those masterpieces of fun CFD simulations that inspire the masses?

Validation of lidar simulation – Partnering with XenomatiX

Recently during our lidar simulation webinar, we introduced a new physics-based lidar sensor in Simcenter Prescan. This new sensor follows…


Sneak preview: Electromagnetic simulation as an energy resourceā€¦but not how you might think.

A red-carpet premiere video about electromagnetic simulation Everyone seems to be blogging about Back to the Future today. So I…

The interior of the Karma Revero electric car is sleek and acoustically optimized.

Adopt a people-centric approach to electric vehicle sound engineering

How does your electric vehicle sound? Discover why Simcenter adopts a people-centric approach to the NVH performance engineering of electric…

Tank sloshing simulation. Slosh my world!

Tank sloshing simulations on an industrial development timeline? Impossible… or? The other day, curiosity pushed me to read articles and…

5 reasons why superior vehicle durability matters

Vehicle durability is still as important today as it was yesterday. Understand why it still matters in 2020 and learn about the latest technologies that help you meet strength and durability targets.

proper helmet design prevents your head exploding like a melon

Helmet design: would you risk your skull on a helmet designed with simulation alone?

Simulation and test work best in combination, would you trust a helmet designed only with simulation?


SimRod experience: structural dynamics engineering

Learn how Simcenter tools allow engineers to evaluate and balance different performance attributes within one platform for Structural Dynamics Engineering.

Can this little turbo-expander help save the planet?

A small British start-up uses cutting-edge engineering in air cycle refrigeration to improve engine efficiency Unlike most start-ups, Chris Whelan…