
Increase quality perception with outstanding powertrain acoustics

Today’s vehicles aim at being more energy efficient whilst remaining durable, powerful and less noisy. The most challenging factor among these performance requirements is noise, vibration & harshness (NVH). Simply because less noisy is perceived to be more comfortable by customers. ‘Less is more’ refers to a simplification, a minimization. Unfortunately, this doesn’t relate to optimizing powertrain acoustics.

For internal combustion driven vehicles, the engine remains the dominant source for cabin noise at low to moderate vehicle speeds. Even though the sound and vibration of the engine can be a last resort for young parents with an inconsolable crying baby (driving their baby up and down the street hoping it finally falls asleep), this doesn’t apply to the majority of drivers or passengers.

At Siemens PLM Software, we know that sound is an important parameter of quality. Our NVH & Acoustics solutions help automotive OEMs and powertrain suppliers to minimize powertrain noise and optimize sound quality by simulating interior and exterior acoustic radiation.

So how do we improve powertrain acoustics and increase the perception of quality? In this video we explain which techniques are being used throughout the development cycle; from target setting of brand-new powertrain virtual designs, over detailed component and system analysis to evaluating system sensitivities and proposing a set of realistic and effective design ideas or countermeasures for troubleshooting existing physical prototypes. Additionally, our services offering couple test, 1D and 3D simulation to balance powertrain NVH with fuel-consumption and emission concerns.

Leaf06.jpgA better NVH performance immediately and directly influences your customers’ perception of vehicle quality and value. And yes … this also applies to the desperate parent, seeking a solution for its inconsolable baby. After all, it is not only the noise that sooths the baby. Strapped in its baby seat, the little one gets limited visual or audible input. In combination with the safe feeling of a parent close by, it will not take long before his senses are lulled into relaxation.

Els Verlinden
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at