
International Women’s Day – Françoise Gobbesso

What drew you to an engineering company.png  What drew you to an engineering company?
I am not an engineer. It was by accident that I landed in an engineering company.
What was your first job.png What was your first job?
It was in the financial department of a small company.                                                                            
Were you the only woman on the team What was that like.png  Were you the only woman on the team? What was that like?
No, the male/female ratio was the same.
How was your career evolved over the years.png  How was your career evolved over the years?

Throughout the acquisitions, I took the opportunities to evolve in my role within the company. Over the years, I specialized and found the right place.

Who has helped you along the way.png Who has helped you along the way?

I met a lot of people from different countries who shared their experience and gave support. But only a few ones have been inspiring. It is not a question of gender but values and personality.

Do you think being a woman helped or hurt your career.png  Do you think being a woman helped or hurt your career?

It is still complicated in some situations. This is a men’s world! However, I do think that competencies are recognized no matter whether you are a woman or a man.

What type of advice would you give young women looking to enter engineering.png  What type of advice would you give young women looking to enter engineering?

Everybody has their own place with special characteristics. You have to be true to yourself.

Would you advise your daughter to follow in your footsteps.png  Would you advise your daughter to follow in your footsteps? Why or why not?
Not especially. I am sure she will find her own way via her own experiences. It is not necessary to follow the steps of their parents to succeed.

What still should be done to make the world of engineering more gender equal.png  What still should be done to make the world of engineering more gender equal?
We should respect the gender quota on both levels: employees and managers/directors. Furthermore, the wage equality should be respected as well!

What still should be done to make the world of engineering more gender equal.png  Do you honestly think gender equality is possible?
Honestly, gender equality is not possible because females and males are intrinsically different.

Personally, I do not think that we should try to find the equality, but rather we should highlight the positive difference between them and value it in business.

Allison Fassin
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at