
Going from LMS Test.Lab to Simcenter Testlab

In a few days from now, Siemens Digital Industries Software will officially announce the upcoming release of Simcenter Testlab 18. Simcenter Testlab is not an entirely new brand, but the logical evolution of our dear, faithful brand LMS Test.Lab.  

LMS Test.Lab becomes Simcenter Testlab
LMS Test.Lab becomes Simcenter Testlab

Changing a trusted brand name…

So, why do we bother altering a brand name that has earned tremendous awareness and recognition over the years? Because we’ve outgrown it. The way in which companies develop ever smarter products has evolved. Our Simcenter Testing Solutions product line has evolved accordingly.

Now, we take the next step by placing our test solutions line wholly under the umbrella brand of Simcenter. Why? The logic is simple: the new brand name stresses the importance of using a holistic approach to product development. Indeed, by unifying test and simulation, our solutions are designed to adjust to the fast-paced, complex, intertwined processes of present-day product development cycles. They address the needs of global, multidisciplinary teams, who seamlessly join forces to reach a common goal: engineer innovations faster and with greater confidence.

… while retaining its strength

Yet, not all processes are disruptive. Standard procedures are part of most new product certification processes. And, routine tests are the daily chores of many engineers. Day-in, day-out, test teams verify and validate designs at an increasingly rapid rate. Supporting the ambitions of trailblazing innovators while offering robust and proven solutions to day-to-day testing needs isn’t straightforward. With Simcenter Testlab (previously called LMS Test.Lab), we’re taking up the challenge to help bridge possible resource, experience or knowledge gaps within testing departments. We’re always keeping our objectives in mind: greater productivity, more insights, increased confidence, and easier team collaboration.

Simcenter Testlab as integral part of the Simcenter porfolio unifying test and simulation

Check out the release updates of Simcenter Testlab 18 bringing you plentiful exciting novelties and feature enhancements.

Joelle Beuzit
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at