
Tire modeling made easy with off-the shelf parameter sets

Tire modeling made easy with off-the shelf parameter sets
Tire modeling made easy with off-the shelf parameter sets

Testing services for tire modeling are relatively cost intensive and require a specific throughput time. By making pre-defined tire model parameter sets available in a non-exclusive manner, both challenges can be tackled. As a result Siemens introduced the Tire Model Marketplace on order, making high quality tire model parameters available to a broader community.

Alternative source for tire modeling parameters

The marketplace has proven to be an effective solution for engineers to which tire testing services are not available. This may be due to different reasons, ranging from budget constraints to being early in the development process when physical tires are not yet available. A multifold of passenger car OEMs and TIER suppliers has adopted the marketplace as an alternative source for tire model parameters.

Tire modeling parameters at the highest level of quality

It is well know that high quality tire model parameterization is essential to obtain representative vehicle dynamics simulations. The parameterization process consists of tire testing activities. In the next steps we identify the tire model parameters. Effectively, the quality if the individual steps of this process define the quality of the resulting parameters. Our Simcenter Tire team (formerly TNO/TASS Delft-Tyre) brings tire testing right where it belongs; on the road. We perform measurements on asphalt roads of automotive proving grounds, by making use of the Tire Test Trailer. With decades of experience of the testing team, tires are optimally conditioned before and during testing in order to marginalize potential weather influences. In comparison with indoor measurements on abrasive surfaces, frictional differences in the range of 10-20% are typically seen, strongly depending on tire and load conditions.

Siemens Tire Test Truck for on-road tire testing
Siemens Tire Test Truck for on-road tire testing

Applicable for a broad range of use cases

You can use the resulting parameter sets with the MF-Tyre/MF-Swift tire model. The underlying modeling approach is based on the Magic Formula, extended with multiple modules. Due to its versatility, this is the model of choice for many passenger car OEMs. A modular approach allows CAE engineers to balance the models’ complexity and fidelity. Proven use cases are available ranging from ABS braking to reverse parking and from ride comfort to road load predictions. You can use the model in combination with all vehicle dynamic simulation packages and runs both on desktop computers as well as in HiL setups and Driving Simulators.

The release of MF-Tyre/MF-Swift 2020.2 allows to explicitly model the tire temperature and velocity effects.

Now available; tire models to your request

Within 2021 Siemens will organize dedicated Tire Model Marketplace testing campaigns. We reserve these campaigns to perform measurements for tire model parameter identification of tires of your choice!The dedicated testing weeks are: week 19, 38 and 49 in 2021.

Siemens intends to also organize a late 2020 campaign, but due to the COVID situation this is uncertain. Indicate your tires of interest at latest 8 weeks before the campaign and a Siemens representative will get in touch with you to discuss the details.

Requests can be submitted at the dedicated website, where also a complete overview of all parameter sets is available.

Paul van Straten
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at