Volume mesh on aircraft fuel tank with CAD preparation in Simcenter STAR-CCM+

5 Steps to prepare CAD for CFD Simulation…The Easy Way!

“If you want to go far, go together. If you want to go fast, go alone!” At some point, we…

Tank sloshing simulation. Slosh my world!

Tank sloshing simulations on an industrial development timeline? Impossible… or? The other day, curiosity pushed me to read articles and…

Multiscale simulation in the process industry – better together

Discover how CFD and process simulation can now be combined efficiently to solve multi-scale challenges in the process industry.

Grab a coffee and catch up on marine CFD!

Learn how marine CFD is being used for hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, propulsion and… dolphins?

Ship design with CFD on AWS cloud

How to run 55 ship designs in 45 mins with CFD on AWS?

Ship design with CFD simulations on the cloud has never been easier or faster

V8 on my mind

Memories of a n ICE guy

Diesel is just not a proper propulsion system at all, downsizing is a crime, and anyways, no direct injection engine is a real engine, it has to be naturally aspirated…or do I recall that wrong?

A trileaflet mechanical heart valve

Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) of a Trileaflet Heart Valve

A long-awaited opportunity Working from home has become the new normal for many of us. And while schools and day…

flame front in a hydrogen-powered gas turbine

Hydrogen-powered gas turbines are key to a low-carbon energy future

Discover how B&B-AGEMA are using CFD to design combustors, optimize monitoring equipment, and gain understanding into hydrogen combustion.

turbomachinery cfd simulation creates art in motion

Turbomachinery CFD simulation: art in motion

Believe it or not, there is some true art in turbomachinery CFD simulation. From the creamer in your coffee, to…